Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Kind Mind in May 2016

Sistahoodz offshoot, Kind Mind Material Culture on the small scale is a down low micro artistic creation of the Sourceress, Christina, the mind at the helm of a dream that community (co-MOON-ity) can be built online to reinforce the script we want our future to roll from, instead of the one that the politicians are trying to hand to us.

These lovely amulets are the second trickle down of sweater scraps and odds n sods from the eclectic studio Chris calls The Sourcery, in Victoria, Canada, perched on the west coast by the stunning coastline.

Summer fast approaches and Kind Mind culture reflects this with the integration of lovely rosebuds on the amulets... taking the 3D to 4D as the heavenly smell that wafts off each bud lasts for months in a delightful, subtle magic of its own.

This May, there is a little dealio if you would like an amulet made for you, as well as one of the rosebud dreamcatchers, for a great offer. Find me on FB at the Kind Mind page and ask me about it. Such a DEAL!

A meme so nice, I made her twice!

This one was a creation out of my collaboration with the willing vic... er recipient of the Sassy Since Birth merit badge. I couldn't figure out how to get an octopus in there too so i gave you two wicked little butterflies.

See Sistahoods and in particular, the photo albums for the other projects this prolific maven has made. I am calling myself the human 3d printer... I made life 3x and now I play. <3

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